Clinical Decision Making Overview


Alma Integrity Standards promote our mission by: 1) Creating clear expectations for providers in terms of how to use the Alma platform and tools, and 2) Establishing an environment of safety and respect, while supporting providers in maintaining autonomy of their practices. To learn more about our integrity standards as a whole, please see What are Alma Integrity Standards?

This article covers Alma’s policies around Clinical Decision Making:

1. Professional Integrity

As a clinician and member of Alma, you are an independent contractor and are expected to abide by the guidelines created by your individual licensing board as well as state and federal laws that regulate your profession in the following domains:

  • Practicing within your bounds of competence
  • Accurately representing your practice 
  • Best practices in services provided, including:
    • Adopt standards of care set forth by your licensing board
    • Preserve patient confidentiality and privacy
  • Maintain appropriate boundaries and disclose conflicts of interest
  • Non-discrimination
  • Ending (continuing) care, including making patient care decisions based on clinical needs and providing appropriate transfer of care when clinically indicated or when services are disrupted
  • Responsibility for peer behavior
  • Keep documentation of services rendered and maintain records according to your licensing board

2. Confidentiality & HIPAA

Providers must take necessary measures to protect client confidentiality and follow HIPAA guidelines. 

3. Making Proper Referrals 

Providers should make proper referrals when appropriate, including when it is clinically indicated or when there is a disruption in care.

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