What to Expect from Your Intake Paperwork


Before meeting with your therapist for the first time, you’ll receive an email with an invitation to create an Alma client portal account where you can fill out your intake forms. These documents provide both Alma and your therapist with the important information we need to get you set up to start receiving care.

Your intake paperwork may include some or all of the following forms:

  • Insurance and Payment Information
  • Intake Forms
    • Email/Text Consent
    • Consent to Receive Text Messages and E-mails
    • Informed Consent for Assessment and Treatment
    • Notice of Privacy Practices
    • Telehealth Consent
    • Clinical Intake Questionnaire
  • Clinical Assessments
    • PHQ-9 (Depression Assessment)

Insurance Information 

Alma needs to collect your insurance details to verify your eligibility and payment responsibility. This form asks for specific information about your insurance plan, like your name, address, and the insurance policy holder. You’ll also be asked to upload a photo of the front and back of your insurance card.  

The information you share here will be accessible by your provider and the Alma team for billing purposes. If you choose to see another Alma provider, they will not have access to your information.



Autopay is a simple, hassle-free way to manage your payments by allowing Alma to automatically charge the card on file for sessions with your provider. Insurance clients have the option to enroll in Autopay by default. 

If you’re paying for sessions out of pocket, this form will be included in your intake paperwork if your therapist chooses to use autopay. If you don’t receive this form, but wish to enroll in autopay, please speak to your therapist directly about enabling autopay.


Intake Forms

Consent Forms

Consent forms are legal documents that allow you to make well-informed decisions about your care. They notify you of your rights to receive information and ask questions about your treatment, and help to ensure ongoing communication between you and your therapist. The consent forms your therapist sends you depends on their practice, but these are the one’s Alma recommend and that you can likely expect to receive: 

  • Email/Text Consent: Signing this form authorizes your therapist to send you email and text communications.
  • Informed Consent for Assessment and Treatment: Signing this form confirms that you are voluntarily entering into treatment for mental and behavioral health.
  • Notice of Privacy Practices: This form explains how medical information about you may be used and disclosed as part of your treatment. It also describes how you can get access to your medical information.
  • Telehealth Consent: Signing this form gives your therapist permission to see you over video calls as part of your treatment. 

Intake Questionnaire

The Clinical Intake Questionnaire asks questions likes  “What brings you to counseling at this time” and “What are your goals for treatment”. Answering these questions as honestly and completely as possible helps your provider to get to know you better so they can provide you with the best possible mental health care. 

Clinical Assessments

Your therapist may include the following self-assessments in your intake paperwork depending on their own policies and your reason for seeking therapy. 

  • Depression Assessment: This is a questionnaire your therapist may use to identify, diagnose, and monitor depression.
  • Anxiety Assessment: This is a questionnaire your therapist may use to identify, diagnose, and monitor anxiety.

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